An Online Community for Singer Songwriters

10 weeks, 10 songs

Imagine writing an album worth of new songs that are ready to record, perform, and LOVE! 

Are you a singer-songwriter who would benefit from community, motivation, accountability, and creative prompts? Are you an artist who enjoys sharing and collaborating with others?

The Studio Songwriter’s 10 weeks, 10 songs is an online songwriting challenge for artists who want to hone their craft, in process with others. Best part is that it’s totally free.

Limited space

Lots of smiles from participants in the summer 2023 songwriting challenge.

Format and Guidelines

  • Weekly creative prompts
  • Weekly Show and Tell Zoom meetings
  • If prompt inspires something else, that’s ok
  • No fancy recording required – phone is perfect
  • All skill levels are welcome in our diverse community
  • Enjoy accountability, feedback, and member collaboration

Explainer video from the 2023 summer challenge session.

Process not Outcome

  • Aim to complete the creative experiment with amazing songs, but don’t be discouraged if circumstances prevent it
  • Utilize the group as a safe and supportive environment for navigating the creative process
  • Naming and discussing obstacles can be freeing and help overcome creative blocks

Explainer video from the 2023 summer challenge session.

Creative Space

  • Grant yourself permission and the gift of creative space in order to participate in this songwriting challenge
  • Life obligations are all very real and certainly ever-present
  • The Studio Songwriter Community is designed to anchor and inspire

Explainer video from the 2023 summer challenge session.

β€œMy wife has been my musical monitor, and my sister is a musician as well, so I’ve had some great sounding boards -- but the consensus is the weekly deadline is fantastic. It has kept my feet to the fire.”

Paul Welsman


Cost, Process, and Deadline

  • GET ONLINE - I will be giving an online preview of the songwriting challenge. Sign up to waitlist to take part!
  • REFINE YOUR SETUP - Take advantage of training videos and opportunities to meet with Joel, and make sure your setup is ready for the series.
  • START THE CHALLENGE - Show up on day one ready to introduce yourself and meet the other participants. There will be a creative prompt for a short intro song.


A welcoming community singer-songwriters awaits! Explore your songwriting potential, share your creations, and receive feedback in a supportive environment.Β